Education marketing tools that help you grow

Integrated with its education database, Campus's email design and broadcasting, lead capture, and marketing funnel tools work together to amplify your lead generation.

Marketing to schools
sellers to schools sellers to schools
Design and send stunning, mobile-responsive emails

Design and send stunning, mobile-responsive emails

Create professional, responsive emails quickly. If you're not a designer, Campus's easy-to-use email builder will make you feel like one.

  • Utilize the drag 'n' drop email editor or free templates
  • Send personalized content
  • Import existing email designs with one click
  • Benefit from email reporting with instant lead selection
  • Generate higher delivery rates by emailing via Campus’s dedicated education ISPs

Boosted deliverability with education-dedicated servers

Campus is only used by education businesses that send education content to education audiences. This results in higher engagement rates than generic marketing sent via generic emailing platforms. This enhances Campus’s server reputation, increases delivery rates, and ultimately generates more leads.

This flow of content relevant to schools’ needs creates synergy, enhancing Campus’s server reputation (within the education sector) and results in higher delivery rates and, ultimately, more leads.

Marketing to UK schools
Locate and target engaged teachers and staff

Locate and target engaged teachers and staff

Target school staff that show an interest in your marketing. Build sophisticated retargeting lists from opens and clicks, and deliver timely follow-ups that convert your marketing leads into sales leads.

  • Send unlimited 1-2-1 emails to contacts/leads
  • Save time creating emails with saved replies
  • See your contacts' engagement in a live feed
  • Import existing contact data with ease
  • Manage all of your relationships from one place

"With the ability to target specific audiences within the education sector, Campus provides us with marketing opportunities unlike anything else. It’s database and marketing tools are pure quality, with excellent customer service that is fast, efficient, and friendly."

Jaysica Marvell, Manager - Herts for Learning

Find out what teachers want

Customize educators profiles to understand what they want, need, and dislike. Segment your strategy to deliver relevant content and offers to your contacts based on their profile.

  • Uncover how educators really think
  • Understand what they want from you
  • Discover the red tape issues that they face
  • Learn their pain points and innoculate against them
  • Build segmented lists based on custom fields
Marketing to UK Teachers
Target key leads based on their interactions

Target key leads based on their interactions

Customize your marketing funnel. Track, rank and target educators based on their likelihood to buy from you, depending on their engagements with your brand and marketing.

  • Rank your marketing-qualified leads
  • Segment followers, leads, and opportunities
  • Design a marketing funnel bespoke to you

Convert "teacher traffic" from your website into new leads

Create lead generation forms to capture website traffic and follow up these leads directly from Campus. Contact data is automatically embellished with any linked school data records.

  • Convert more web visitors into leads
  • Use the simple drag ’n’ drop form builder
  • Insert custom fields into forms to learn more
  • Benefit from GDPR compliance features on all forms
  • Edit live website forms in Campus with ease.
Marketing to Schools Software

What Campus users say


Tre Christopher, Director Dandelion Learning

We have already had excellent responses to our campaigns and also love the user friendly, intuitive style of the product.

Having recently bought into Campus, we're absolutely delighted with the database and with the service provided. The team are friendly and approachable as well as being very knowledgeable.

The system goes above and beyond what we imagined and has met all of our marketing and sales needs. I can honestly say that Campus is by far the best value for money that I could find and offers the most diverse and comprehensive product.


Mike Southern, Co-Founder Stage-Ed

We’re now able to engage with new teachers, getting to know our target audience, and developing our relationships with current customers.

Like everyone else we were really worried about both the short and long-term effects COVID would have on our business as we rely on a functioning education system for us to operate.

We needed to up our engagement and generate more leads from schools. Campus has been invaluable in helping us do this.


Jaysica Marvell, Manager Herts for Learning

Campus is a fantastic platform for businesses marketing towards education.

With the ability to target specific audiences within the education sector, this provides us with marketing strategies unlike ordinary mailing platforms.

The build and drag capabilities within the email module is highly functional and editable with features that provide detailed adjustments.


Ian Richardson, MD Schudio

Campus has had a huge, direct impact on the growth of our business.

I have no doubt that it's played a massive part in increasing turnover by 40%. I can't recommend it highly enough.


Will Huntingdon, CEO Cross-Curricular

I think Campus is amazing. It's helped my business grow astronomically this past year.

I'm so happy I came on board. Campus has helped us target and retarget our education customers and find new ones with ease, whilst the Campus support team are very friendly and helpful.


Kerry Harwood, CEO Animaphonics

We’ve gone from a contact list of about 30 schools to nearly 800 within 6 months.

We've also got 99 schools on a trial for this term (really annoyed we didn’t get the full 100!), which is way beyond any of our goals.

We’ve only been using Campus for 6 months, so couldn't be happier!


Chris Cowan, Co-Founder Loudmouth Education

Campus is an awesome system, it is easy to use, and streamlines all of our processes.

The leads just keep coming through, we're all a bit overwhelmed by the response. It is fantastic of course, we just weren't quite prepared for the success that Campus would bring.


Sally Weatherly, Director Guzled

Campus has revolutionized the way I attract and interact with teachers.

It was super easy to get started, especially with the ongoing support from the Campus team.

The whole process from collecting qualified leads to closing sales has been expertly combined into one crazily useful education database.

Campus has allowed me to target my email marketing more effectively and I am delighted with the visible growth in my customer base, even within a few weeks of using Campus.


Tim Earnshaw, Director My Happy Mind

Bottom line is the platform has delivered very strong results for us and delivered an exceedingly strong ROI. We would happily recommend Campus to anybody looking to sell to the education sector.

Their product gives us at Happy Mind great reach to the teacher audience we want to market to, it's easy to use and has a strong feature set for our needs, without the bells and whistles of other marketing platforms that you pay for but seldom if ever use and which add to the complexity of the products making them less usable.

Good software without good support is only half the need met though, and in this regard Campus really excels and stands head and shoulders above all other vendors in terms of responsiveness and quality of support.


Adam Fouracre, Founder Stand Against Violence

Our work has benefited hugely from having the Campus software and marketing support.

Great team of very helpful people. We have tried many marketing techniques over the years. Other solutions don't seem to work.

Grow your education brand with Campus

Grow your education brand

Request Demo

Prospect Live K-12 Education Data

Prospect Live K-12 Education Data

Email K-12 and District Staff Inboxes

Email K-12 and District Staff Inboxes

Sell More to US and Global Schools

Sell More to US and Global Schools

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