Sellers to Schools Inbound Marketing Survey: Analysis Day 4

Sellers to Schools Inbound Marketing Survey: Analysis Day 4

Today is the 4th day examining the results of our recent Sellers to Schools Inbound Marketing Survey. If you're just...

Today is the 4th day examining the results of our recent Sellers to Schools Inbound Marketing Survey. If you're just...

Sophie Scott-Lewis
Sophie Scott-Lewis
Published: 11th July 2014

Today is the 4th day examining the results of our recent Sellers to Schools Inbound Marketing Survey.

If you're just joining us then where the heck have you been! Only joking, if you're just joining us then maybe it's time to hit the rewind button and find out why we think the current marketing to schools playback is broken, and why we think it's now essential that you start embracing Inbound.

If you're up to speed, then I'm now going to talk you through the results of Questions 5 and 6 of the survey (that's right it a double-feature today). Both these questions relate to the need to encourage the right traffic to your company website so you can generate higher quality leads, and more happy customers.

There are a couple of tools that are essential in attracting the right users to your site, but are you utilising them?

Q5. Do you use AdWords to drive traffic to your website?

Inbound Question 5

MIND-BLOWING STAT: 59% of sellers to schools do not use AdWords to drive traffic to their websites.

I’m quite dumbfounded by these results! Surely the 59% of sellers to schools are not purely relying on natural listings for web traffic?

Well the stats don’t lie, which means this relatively unused marketing channel is a great opportunity to get more leads whilst having full control of spend, position trigger words, and landing pages.

Q6. How many times a month do you publish new blogs?

Inbound Question 6

MIND-BLOWING STAT 1: On average just 2 new blog posts are published every month by sellers to schools.

MIND-BLOWING STAT 2: A huge 44% of companies interviewed don’t ever publish blog posts.

If, as it appears, companies don’t use AdWords, then they must rely on natural listings for web traffic. One of the best ways to get ranked higher in Google is to publish regular blog posts with thoughtful, useful, free information that will engage a target market.

This will build a loyal Inbound following, and position you as a thought-leader, whilst driving free traffic to your website. 2 blogs a month just doesn’t cut it.

At Sprint we publish 4-8 a month and (at the time of writing) it has resulted in this blog site being ranked #1 in Google for the search term ‘Marketing to Schools’. And if you're reading this blog then you are probably one of these valuable inbound leads that we're trying to welcome into our Universe - welcome aboard, we're glad you found us!

Selling to Schools Email Teachers Email Landing Pages UK Schools Marketing How to Sell to Schools

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