The School Calendar: It's Not Just a Parade of Holidays!

The School Calendar: It's Not Just a Parade of Holidays!

When we talk about the importance of being aware of the School Calendar it usually just means making sure we’re up to sp...

When we talk about the importance of being aware of the School Calendar it usually just means making sure we’re up to sp...

Ben Lewis
Ben Lewis
Published: 26th March 2013

When we talk about the importance of being aware of the School Calendar it usually just means making sure we’re up to speed with when the school holidays fall. After all, for the vast majority of us, the thing we remember most about our time at school is just how many holidays we had back in those days… Man, we had it sweet! Now we’re lucky if we get one week off in the summer & even luckier if it doesn’t bucket down with rain the entire time… jeez our weather sucks!

Anyway, I digress: the point I was going to make is that the school calendar is so much more than just an endless parade of holidays. It’s actually jam-packed with special events, awareness weeks and good causes. Of course, there’s no reason why you should be aware of all these. After all, they’re not very relevant to us folks out here in the big bad world right? Wrong! They’re super relevant for anyone who wants to sell to schools.

Now, some of the dates in the school calendar might seem obscure: You might not be familiar with National School Grounds Week for example. But you can be sure that 99% of the people you are going to be promoting your products and services to will be very familiar with it!

As Schools are socially conscious organisations most of the events in the school calendar are designed to increase youngsters’ awareness of the world around them and forge closer links with the local community. Teachers will invest a lot of their own time into planning for these events.

Just imagine for a moment one of these hard working, caring, socially conscious teachers working at home one evening when they come across your email sitting in their inbox and all you’re interested in is selling them something… shame on you! But hang about, let’s rewind for a moment. What if your email was offering them a free installation, a 10% discount or free samples ‘in support’ of National School Grounds Week? Now all of a sudden your email doesn’t seem like it’s from a ruthless sales company but rather appears to come from a socially conscious organisation who are interested in supporting a good cause… now give yourself a pat on the back you philanthropist you!

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