A Brand New Infographic from Sprint’s Very Own Mary Berry!

A Brand New Infographic from Sprint’s Very Own Mary Berry!

As Head of Design at Sprint, there is little mention of baking cakes in my official job description. However as...

As Head of Design at Sprint, there is little mention of baking cakes in my official job description. However as...

Sophie Scott-Lewis
Sophie Scott-Lewis
Published: 14th October 2014

As Head of Design at Sprint, there is little mention of baking cakes in my official job description. However as an avid baker, it’s generally expected that I will bring in some tasty treats for the rest of the gang at least once a month!

Unsurprisingly, I’ve been glued to The Great British Bake-Off these past few weeks. Perhaps more surprising though, is that I’ve started to realise there are some massive parallels between baking the perfect cake and designing the perfect email marketing strategy.

Much like baking, designing an email marketing strategy is not just about using the right ingredients, but more importantly, about using them in the right proportions. You’ve got to be tidy, methodical, work in stages, and stay focused on the outcome at all times.

I started to think that The Bake-Off would make a fantastic marketing to schools infographic, et voila; The Great Marketing to Schools Bake Off was born...


The Infographic compares the results of two technology companies’ email marketing strategies to teachers. Both were promoting the same product via a series of 3 email campaigns, yet each went about it in a very different way.

Not surprisingly, the company that exhibited the qualities associated with a top-notch baker saw their strategy rise to the surface like a textbook sponge cake, while the other company’s strategy sank faster than a soggy bottomed tart!

Bon appétit!

Marketing to Schools Emailing Teachers Marketing Strategy Selling to Teachers How to Sell to Schools

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