Email Marketing: It’s About the Shoes, Not the Hair!

Email Marketing: It’s About the Shoes, Not the Hair!

When you first meet someone can you tell more about them by their hair or by their shoes? You could argue that judgin...

When you first meet someone can you tell more about them by their hair or by their shoes? You could argue that judgin...

Jackie O'Shea
Jackie O'Shea
Published: 4th December 2013

When you first meet someone can you tell more about them by their hair or by their shoes?

You could argue that judging anyone by either of these things is pretty shallow… and you’d probably be right! But for the sake of the argument, I always think you can tell more about somebody by their shoes.

The thing is, when people want to make a good first impression they often spend a lot of time fussing with their hair, but they will very rarely go to the effort of buying a new pair of shoes. So their shoes will tell you more about what they are like on an everyday basis.

But what on earth has this got to do with my email marketing to schools I hear you ask?

Your marketing email is often the first contact you have with teachers so it’s understandable that you want to make a good impression. Most of our clients make a huge effort to ensure that the content of their email creates the right first impression and conveys to teachers what a forward thinking, dynamic, friendly company they are.

This is great, but it’s the email marketing equivalent of slapping some product in your hair and slicking it back into an immaculately coiffured bouffant! It’ll certainly help you to cut a dash but it will mean nothing if you’re still wearing your dad’s filthy old trainers!

So in order to show people that you always look this dynamic you need to wear the right shoes.

When you’re email marketing to teachers your email signature is your pair of shoes. I can’t tell you the number of great selling to schools emails that have been ruined by a really uninspiring and unfriendly looking email signature!

Now, I hate looking at pictures of myself so I’m not going to show you the email signature I use here at Sprint. Instead I’ll show you the signature that my colleague Darren uses (don’t worry, he loves looking at pictures of himself!)

Email Signature - Darren

What I really like about this signature is that I don’t feel like I need to tell my clients how forward thinking, dynamic and friendly we are because the email signature already tells them this!

So my message to you is; spend more time worrying about your shoes and less time fussing over your hair!

Marketing to Schools Emailing Teachers Email Teachers Schools Marketing Selling to Teachers UK Schools Marketing How to Sell to Schools School Emails Email Primary Schools Email Head Teachers

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