Overcoming Cynicism Tip #1: Avoid Hype-Filled Language
Overcoming Cynicism Tip #1: Avoid Hype-Filled Language
To successfully sell to schools today it is essential that you are able to overcome your audience’s innate cynicism in m...
To successfully sell to schools today it is essential that you are able to overcome your audience’s innate cynicism in m...
To successfully sell to schools today it is essential that you are able to overcome your audience’s innate cynicism in marketing.
My first tip for achieving this is going to require you to ignore the little voice in your head telling you that the only way to grab teachers’ attention is to shout louder than the competition. Many companies engaging in marketing to schools are so terrified of not being heard that they rely on hype filled language and grand claims to whip up excitement in their offer.
I’m sure we’re all familiar with marketing emails that make huge statements about how much they can improve our lives. The trouble with these is that very often your initial reaction is to say “Really? Are you sure?” And you really don’t want the first reaction you create to be a negative one or one that creates a divide between you and your audience.
Now I’m not telling you to downplay the benefits of your product or service. However, very often, simple and straightforward language can stimulate a much better reaction.
So the next time you email teachers, try to silence that little voice in your head. Your audience is much more likely to treat your message with an open mind if you just try a little less hard to impress.
Marketing to Schools
Selling to Teachers
UK Schools Marketing
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