Overcoming Cynicism Tip #2: Don’t Claim… Demonstrate

Overcoming Cynicism Tip #2: Don’t Claim… Demonstrate

My second tip for sidestepping cynicism in your marketing to schools again focuses on the part of your message where you...

My second tip for sidestepping cynicism in your marketing to schools again focuses on the part of your message where you...

John Smith
John Smith
Published: 1st July 2013

My second tip for sidestepping cynicism in your marketing to schools again focuses on the part of your message where you share the benefits that you're offering the teacher. As discussed previously, making bold statements about how you can improve your audiences' lives risks provoking a skeptical reaction.

A great way of dodging such conflict is to avoid avoid making grand claims about what you can do for them and instead demonstrate how your product or service has improved the lives of some of your existing teacher clients. If possible use their name and the name of their school to flesh them out and show them as a real person who you’ve helped to overcome a real problem.

Teachers will still infer from this whether or not what you’re offering will improve their lives, but you will be promoting your product or service in a much more subtle and less pushy manner.

In essence this technique allows you to take teachers with you as you explain the benefits of your offer rather than creating an ‘us and them’ divide by simply marketing at them, which is a mistake that many companies make when they sell to schools.

Selling to Teachers UK Schools Marketing How to Sell to Schools

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